List of parts loops within each instrument

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List of parts loops within each instrument

Post by Jimbo821 »

The one thing I'm most missing from this amazing app - which I am totally hooked on - is a list of brief labels/descriptions of all the parts loops within each instrument. It wouldn't necessarily have to be in the app itself to be helpful. I am using DrumJam in a lot in a live performance situation, so I'd just like to be able to know for sure where I'm going when I cue up number 7 (and avoid e.g. a slamming open hat where it doesn't really fit.) I often note the numbers for particular loops I want to use for each instrument on a song list or iPad-based song chart so I can keep my basic arrangements consistent, so this would really be helpful to simplify this process. Also for having a better understanding of what I'm doing and where to find what I want, since I'm not a drummer (although your app makes me feel like one :D. Of course, I can and will otherwise comprise such a list myself, but if someone else has already done so, please share it!

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