Drumjam standby in interapp mode?

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Drumjam standby in interapp mode?

Post by Jimi »

Set list maker app send MSB LSB Program for changing preset in drumjam (interapp mode)
Irig blueboard send start/stop information to drumjam
The problem:
Receive midi data seem to go on stand-by mode after about 10mn
Background audio : on
Autoscreen lock :off
Powersaver: off
ipad stanby setting :never

An idea?

(Sorry for my poor english) :-)

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Re: Drumjam standby in interapp mode?

Post by jesse »

Hmm, with those settings DrumJam shouldn't go to sleep in the background and should respond to MIDI. You mention using Inter-app, what app is the host for DrumJam in your setup?

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Re: Drumjam standby in interapp mode?

Post by Jimi »

Set list maker app send MSB LSB Program for changing preset in drumjam
irig blueboard send strat/stop in drumjam
drumjam is on backgroud audio
that's all
Perhaps this settings are not called interapp ,i'm not sure...

After a moment the drumjam preset changes but it doesn't respond anymore to strat/stop.

Same on my ipad and my phone.


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Re: Drumjam standby in interapp mode?

Post by jesse »

So, you can tell the preset changes because it is already playing in the background? Or do you have to open the app? Even with the drumjam in the foreground the start/stop MIDI commands don't work after a certain time?

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Re: Drumjam standby in interapp mode?

Post by Jimi »

With the drumjam in the foreground the start/stop MIDI commands work perfectly.

In background:
After a certain time,Drumjam doesn't start ,i open it and i have seen the preset have changed.
And then i can start it with my pedal ( blueboard)
(if i open and close it (drumjam) ,strat/stop start working again)

During my set ,Drumjam doesn't playing audio all the time ,only a few songs.

sorry for my poor english!

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Re: Drumjam standby in interapp mode?

Post by Jimi »


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Re: Drumjam standby in interapp mode?

Post by jesse »

Sorry, I will need to look into this more closely to figure out what is going on with it.

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