Variation Overview

This is the place to start....
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Variation Overview

Post by obiwahnkentobi »

are there a overview for the variation of the loopparts, everytime i use the loopparts its like a blindfly what variation is behind the dif.Part of Instrument X,
let me say:
FunkHiHat PartVari#1 is 4/4 straight
Kick PartVari#1 is 2/4
Snare PartVari#1 is on the 4/8.....

when you try to find a groove with different instrumentloops everytime you put a new loop inside its a surprise (for me) what Variation stands behind Instrument X Part Y....
or i just cant find a rule between your partVari#...
hope you understand ;-)


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Re: Variation Overview

Post by obiwahnkentobi »

no feedback,
okay another try ;-)
Do you think about Categories in the dif. Variations of the loopparts would be usefull?
OR to record your own live played Instruments to the loopparts....

incredible funny & musical instrument

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Re: Variation Overview

Post by jesse »

I understand your frustration here, we know that especially for some loop instruments (shakers, for example) there are some pretty big shifts in style. But for many others it would be frankly difficult to categorize them in any consistent and meaningful way. If you have some specific suggestions or ideas for how this could be presented better, we're all ears!

One thing that may help is faster and easier previewing, I think... I know waiting until the 2-bar boundary comes around (or hitting stop/start) is not the most pleasant way to audition these things when you are just trying to get a beat together. This is something we hope to fix in future versions.

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Re: Variation Overview

Post by obiwahnkentobi »

thx for the feedback!
i understand thats difficult to org the categories consistent, (for me) it will be okay if you have 3-4 fundamental beatvari on the same place, like
VARI#1 = 4/4
VARI#2 = 2/4
VARI#3 = 1/4
+ the offbeats....
that you know if you put the new Instrument X into it WILL BE just VARI#1

its still one of my FAVapps out there!


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